
May 17, 2021 Adam Norton

Are you Gambling with your Sales Force? Take Three: How Top Performers Execute Sales Agility

In our previous two blogs about gambling, we pointed out parallels between selling and poker. Both involve making the best decisions possible in conditions of uncertainty. Neither selling nor poker are a binary affair, where the next best step is glaringly obvious. Playing poker is subtle. The best poker players evaluate the situation they are […]

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May 7, 2021 Adam Norton

Are you Gambling with your Sales Force? Take Two: Sales Agility = Better Decision Making in Conditions of Uncertainty

In our last blog, we shared that Annie Duke, one of the great professional poker players, advised that good poker is about making the best decisions under conditions of uncertainty. We explored why there is uncertainty in Texas Hold’Em; however, we are now exploring the sales environment and how those same sorts of conditions hold […]

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